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What age are the travelling children?
Found {{totalOffersString}} {{totalOffers == 1 ? 'offer' : 'offers'}}
out of {{totalHotelsString}} hotels and {{totalRoomsString}} rooms in {{timeString}} sec
(why so fast? see more)
No offers found.
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This is a technology demo of the fast travel search engine that supports
real-time calculation of price and availability in 0-1 ms time for real world data volumes.
Key Features
Real-time calculation of price and availability in 0-1 ms time including custom filtering
options and special offers.
Dynamic Pricing
Prices can be adjusted with no delay with any frequency (like literally every minute),
no price/availability precalculation is used.
Functional Extensibility
Business logic can be easily extended with custom price and availability calculations and
unlimited filtering criteria (like the current weather conditions, snow coverage, water
temperate, pollution levels) making the search engine even more user-tailored.
Cost-efficient Infrastructure
The search engine runs on any Linux, Unix or Windows hardware (it is Java), can be easily
scaled horizontally and hosted in the cloud.
How fast is this search engine?
The price and availability for over 11 mln room types and 50,000 properties (demo volume)
can be calculated in real-time in 0-1 ms time for a city-constrained location and 10-20 ms
for a country scope.
Does it scale horizontally?
Yes, it scales linearly when horizontally distributed after a load balancer.
So what is the demo functionality?
Real-time calculation of price and availability based on selected criteria including hotel
and room type specific variants like special offers (early booking and last minute booking).
Building recommended room type set per location. Sorting by calculated prices.
This is not a real booking service, right?
Whilst this is a technology demo the search engine contains real volume (over 11 mln room
types) and implements real world complexity like special offers, limited availability and
dynamic pricing model.
Is it configurable?
Yes, the engine can be extended e.g. with new price/availability calculation logic as well
as with unlimited filtering criteria.
What is the actual meaning of the presented query time?
This is the query execution time on the server side.
Does it support Dynamic Pricing?
Yes. As price and availability are calculated in real-time (with each request) the price
components can be updated at any time.
What is the price update delay?
None. Price components are updated online in the search engine and immediately visible to price calculations.
Do you use real hotel data in this demo?
We use real world hotel information but with synthetic prices.
But there are no photos?
Correct. Photo presence has no impact on search engine performance and it can be easily
served e.g. from CDN.
What is the technology stack behind?
The engine is implemented in Java what makes it easy to host and scale the solution across
different operating systems and cloud services.
Is it based on any in-memory data grid system like Coherence, Ignite or Hazelcast?
No, the engine is a Java-based proprietary solution which was about 20x faster than comparable
implementations in Coherence, Ignite or Hazelcast. (Yes, we tested it.)
Is it based on an expensive database system like Oracle Database or Microsoft SQL Server?
No, the search engine does not require a fast and complex external database.
You surely have a powerful server farm hosting this demo, right?
No, not really. The demo instance is hosted on a single server with Intel Core i5-8400
Processor and 16 GB of RAM Memory. And yes, this is a single machine.
We have a costly and growing farm of Oracle Database, Exadata, SQL
Server required to host our search engine. Can we replace it?
Yes, this solution should greatly reduce the on-going infrastructure costs, improve query
response times and - most importantly - enable your business to customise the search
experience with less technical limits.
Can we add custom filtering criteria?
Yes, the primary idea behind this product is to enable unique search experience with great
customisation features without being constrained by technology.
How could we start?
We suggest to start with a one-two day workshop to discuss the current challenges and
opportunities, agree the PoC scope, implement the PoC and then extend to a full production version.
This is interesting, how can we talk?
If you would like a member of our team to get in touch, please send us your details to and we will contact you directly.